megan (bless her heart) was recently in las vegas when she ran across a bakery with a display of macarons!! and she (very thoughtfully) brought some back for us to enjoy.
when delivered to my house did I immediately think of my camera and the amazing photo op i'd just been handed???
mais, non!! i simply ate it.
it wasn't until the last bite was 1/2 way to my mouth that i thought i should chronicle the
appearance of a real live macaron in my humble abode, giving megan credit for her thoughtful generosity. sad but true.
it was delish!! thanks, megan!!
Confession: I have never had a macaroon. And these look so, so very sweet and lovely that for the first time I really, really feel like I've been missing out!
What a sweet, thoughtful gift (in an adorable box)!
i'd never had one either - just seen the pictures on parisbreakfasts and waited my turn in line!!
i have been looking for recipes and found one at martha stewart that looks do-able. i'll post about the attempt (one of these days)
I love Carol and her work! Thanks for entering my give-away. Have a great weekend.
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