today he has short ribs simmering in an herbal barbeque bath.
i have a convertible crockpot system - 2,4 or 6 quart crocks giving us practical options. maybe this season it will get more use.
it is so damp that painting windows is out of the question which holds up my reassemble the kitchen and bedroom plans. and it's too wet to finish the yard projects that i started the other day. at this point i might as well go read my book ........
mom- too bad you couldn't come to Iowa. You missed all the fun of watering every one of Grandma's little pots and we also tried to fix Old Betsy........... all three of us. I offered to take it home, but..... you know how the story goes.
i'm thinking of going over the weekend of the 19th. i'll take a leaf to leslie. did you have the christmas dishes for her??
you mean my purses?
noooo dishes d-i-s-h-e-s just like it says.
leslie called the other night and asked about a leaf and whether i was the one who had snagged the christmas dishes from iva thinking she would use them for her table at the festival. obviously i told her you had them and apparently she has chosen not to ask you....
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