28 June, 2010

Full disclosure

I'll start by giving Tim full credit for solving my computer problems, last weekend. (thanks again) I didn't add any pictures to my last post because I liked the idea of everyone seeing their own images.  You have clutter - you certainly don't need to see mine.... 
So I'm back in business, at my desk.  Last week we had two fairly substantial asignments due in English.  The deadline is always 11:59pm.  One was submitted around 3:00.  For the other I hit the submit button at 11:51pm.  It was a propsal and I'm honestly expecting a train wreck on that one so I have been re-phrasing, fine-tuning, trying to set a firmer, more concise direction for it ever since.  I'm reluctant to log on and see what he has to say....This week's assignments are time consuming but don't carry the weight of last weeks.  Needless-to-say ( which is why I'm saying it, eh?) I'll be spending a lot of time at my desk.  Again.
This week I'm also working two, full 8-hour days, filling in for a vacationing co-worker.  I know I'll come home tired at the end of the day, tempted to claim the privilege of vegging, but I will need to be a responsible adult and put in some time with homework.  Being a grownup has its drawbacks....
We've had heat.  We've had mosquitos.  We've had weeds.  Lovely, healthy abundant weeds.  And basil, rosemary and cilantro.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

There is a part of me that is glad your program is so academically rigorouse which is usually one of the criticisms of on-line classes. On the other hand, you do sound a little stressed by all the work. Keep breathing.