tim, charlie and i made the trip to the cities for thanksgiving with james, naphtali and aidan. thursday is traditionally spent on the road, we have our official meal on saturday and make the return trip on monday. aidan loves to play games so that occupied a big chunk of our time.the following pictures chronicle another one of our activities. do you recognize it??

both james and i grew up eating lefse. we are both partial to a particular stlye. the kahls are supplied by a man who makes it paper thin. my preference is a bit more robust, a bit more primitive. but i can say i've made it with my own 2 hands.
naphtali, marrying into an official lefse family, has the official lefse equipment. a griddle, stick, grooved rolling pin with cover and covered rolling board. who knew?!

it did make the job go faster. i was impressed with the results.

we made 2 batches - the first was an experiment that won't be repeated.

this kind of kitchen work is less work when shared. i would be willing to call it fun. depends on who is sharing your kitchen.....

mmmm a little butter and sugar......
Does Naphtali have official krumkake(sp) equipment, too? What is the official lefse recipe? One never knows...
Great post.
actually, i have the krumkake equipment. it is on my list for this weekend.
we started with mashed potatoes made with cream cheese and butter. they sat overnight. from there it was roughly 1 cup flour to 2 cups potatoes.
Val- I have a great idea. next time you are here we can make Lefse. hee hee.
I am going to try and break James in this week. The Kahls LOVE lefse, so it could eventually be my Christmas gift to them?
Oh, I loved seeing this process! I've enjoyed lefse so many times, but have never gotten to see it made! Also, loved the up close peek at Naphtali's gorgeous KitchenAid mixer...jealous, jealous, jealous!
Ilona, I hope you're having such a wonderful holiday season! Maybe it's cheesy to say, but I'm so thankful to know you through Blogland. I love reading about your life and experiences and so appreciate that you take the time to leave such sweet, wise and loving comments when I blather on about my silly life. Hope your season is filled with wonder and love :)
thanks for the kind words. being from wisconsin entitles you to the occasional cheesy comment....
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