we've been in a rainy spell and will be for a few more days. generally rain over night and clouds all the next day. the floor feels damp. clothes feel damp. everything outside is thick and lush but we need some sunshine.
tim, charlie and i took a drive yesterday. i had worked that morning and came home to plans for the impromptu outing. we took no music with us - just chatted our way through several hours as we wandered through the sandhills. we saw storm clouds gathering and later heard reports of severe weather for that area. we drove home along the dunning to arnold road. a narrow twisting road where a race is held each year. at one point you have canyons falling off on both sides and the expression 'ribbon of road' takes on meaning that only experience can bring.
we did pull off at a lake access - following a gravel track back towards pelican, lily, dewey and hackberry lakes. there were several cattle guards - and pheasants!! we saw several pairs and a few single roosters. tim and charlie got out to scent this one. at one point we stopped while a batch (15?) of baby pheasants scampered across the road. a fun afternoon.
I would kill for rain right now!
How was your visit with Kate and Jacob?
Donna and I are confirmed for a July 9? 10? arrival in your part of the world. Looking forward to seeing you, Tim, Charlie and all of your landscaping. Will confirm exact date.
we enjoyed our visit with jacob and kate. i did mention it in the previous post...
i'm expecting you sometime thursday, july 9 based on the itinerary you recently posted to those involved in your travels. we can tweak things as needed.
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