in spring a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of love. around here the thoughts of the 'young man' involve basketball and budgets. my own?? projects. definitely projects.

a new latch for the gate.

a package to send to jacob and kate.

tim's sweaters to wash and seasonal clothes to swap out.

blankets to air.

of course i suffer from the it-has-to-be-orderly-before-i-can-work syndrome so i did spend some time tidying the garage...found 1/2 a bottle of windshield washer fluid so i topped off both vehicles so i could throw the bottle away!! isn't that just the cutest little engine!?
rain and snow are forecast for sunday through tuesday so i hope to get a lot of loose ends tied up inside in the next few days so i can actually start some cleanup in the flower beds one of these days.
tim will be in omaha starting the 29th to set his budget. i'll be posting pictures of the project that will keep me busy while he's gone. here's a hint: any chance that you remember (go ahead - check the archives if you need to) what i did last year at this time??
jacob is scheduled for surgery april 2, prompting the box of goodies.
we head north for aidan's birthday on the 3rd. busy days ahead.