tim was home with the flu thursday night through saturday. thankfully it looks like i'll dodge this one.
his normal course - chills, fever, delerium - was augmented by the standard symtoms that most of us associate with flu. he was miserable. and today he's on his feet washing sheets, spraying surfaces, looking into nooks and crannies whose existence he'd forgotten. i'm just trying to stay out of his way....
at what age do less than classically handsome men become so easy on the eye? i'll just name 3: donald sutherland, michael caine and tony bennett who have become - if not handsome - certainly distinguished looking men.
i spent friday chasing around central nebraska. i had a delightful couple hours to myself in hobby lobby in kearney looking for table decorations and accents for the garden club convention in april. and then we switch to the scene from the music man where the old biddies do their pick a little number at a meeting not in river city but in lexington as we tried to discuss the table decorations for the....
i recently bought my first red lipstick. i enjoy wearing it.
You voluntarily entered a Hobby Lobby? Outside of Fort Dodge? Amazing. I would add Mark Harmon and Rob Lowe to the list of men who are aging well. Now for a list of women who are aging well? Helen Mirren tops the list. And then? Annie Lennox, Glen Close, Meryl Streep. ???
the march oprah magazine had an essay on the subject of aging women that i appreciated and i loved nora ephron's i feel bad about my neck.
we're talking about 2 different lists: harman and lowe are cute guys who became attractive men and that list is not short by any means. i'm talking about the ugly ducklings becoming swans. morphing, not merely aging.
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