20 March, 2011

Aw, shucks

Well, yet another giveaway I didn't win!  But I feel like I've won the lottery because Tim will be home 2 weekends in a row!  Work takes him to Omaha for budget consultations this week, so he is bookending the trip with time here.

Yesterday we tackled a haircut for Charlie and assorted small projects.  Today will see some serious computer time for both of us as we address homework and budget details.  We're hoping for cooperative weather for a walk after while.

I have crocus peeking through in one flower bed.

I continue to sort and toss.  And dig through boxes that have been packed for an assortment of items that seemed utterly unnecessary and thus safe to pack...which means I haven't bothered to pack anything for a while.  There are empty boxes stashed waiting for their turn and one of these days I'll try again because I want to avoid the everythinghastobedonerightnow scenario.

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