lest you wonder if valentines day went unmarked at our house this year - of course not!!
tim and i have settled into a pleasant rhythm for february. he decries the forced sentimentalism and commercial expectations created by slick marketing execs and i deluge him with small, relentless reminders of the inevitable. works for us. we both know there's no pressure - an annual ritual that we play out with good will and fun. i will say that tim is a pretty thoughtful partner all through the year and i agree with him that pressure placed upon husbands, lovers, boyfriends leading up to this ultimate declaration of love is unfair. i will further add that i've scored some pretty sweet gifts over the years. this year was no exception but that story will wait.

tim 'suffered' through a variety of cards sent both to his office and home, there were m&ms and assorted sweets/nuts and these shortbread which were divine:
1 1/2 c flour
1 c unsalted butter at room temp
1/2 c cornstarch
1/2 c powdered sugar
1/8 tsp salt
1/4 tsp vanilla - optional
cut together. roll to an even thickness ~1/4 inch and cut out. chill on baking sheet about 15 minutes before baking in a 350* oven for 8-12 minutes depending on how thick you rolled them. sprinkle with sugar before baking.
i baked them as a whole sheet (piercing with a fork to avoid bubbles) and cut the hearts just after they came out of the oven. (closer to 15 minutes)
he also got a chef's knife which he skillfully used to prepare 2 delicious chicken dishes that night.
when tim realized that i wasn't leaving he changed his plans (he was supposed to tape a friend's basement) so we could hang out together. we went to get the oil changed and he said his idea was to get a bag for my computer(which he had given me for christmas). i told him i had one but if he could find something better i'd be happy to let him upgrade me. and then i remembered something and made a proposal. he has a vintage, leather attache case that i found in a thrift store on a visit with naphtali. i love that bag and had tried my laptop in it after christmas, adjusted the straps, looked in the mirror...

so there in the middle of the store we shook hands and made the transfer of ownershop official. (his staff had given him a laptop/briefcase for christmas the previous year so he's covered.) i'm happy, he's off pretty easy, we could call it done and go home......
but our outing wasn't finished. i also came home with 2 cds - a tony bennet and a collection of 'classic' love songs - and a wireless printer. we had a fun day just wandering around, ate well, took a walk this morning. a good weekend.