i've increased the depth and added virginia bluebells, blue flax, yarrow,lupine,a sweet pea,

and room for a couple something elses one of these days.

we had a plant exchange at garden club today and i came home with a few goodies that i was able to get in the ground before it started to rain. we had a storm pass through. some wind and hail. and just this morning i looked at the tulips under my mail box and thought i should take a picture. but no i decided that one more day and they would be perfect. perfect. we'll see what the hail left for me in the morning.
hail, huh? maybe your next house you should just make the whole yard into a garden?
I just posted some pics of our new little one on my site too.
thanks for the card! we will go out this weekend!
the shoes. Aidan already had a pair and james has had the same sandals since we were dating, so i figured it was time. now we all three have the same kind if shoes. is that nerdy, or what!
I found a coupon thing at Target. what can i say... Target has everything.
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