memorial weekend was spent in the minneapolis area with naphtali and aidan. for the last several years james and naphtali have gone camping over this weekend and i've gone up to take care of aidan. with james in china this year i made the trip with charlie and we spent the time doing projects and dodging rain. we had rain on the way up, rain on the way home and rain off and on in between.

saturday morning we took in a farmers market and river walk.

a rainy afternoon's entertainment.

aidan on his bicycle during a weather break. we had such fun together. covered a lot of territory, got a lot done. slept well every night....

charlie travels well. the gas wasn't as high as i'd expected. naphtali (and aidan)can rival the energizer bunny on his best day. tim had his projects under control back home - plumbing was on the agenda - none of his joints leaked!! we're glad to be home.