05 February, 2008

snow day

it started snowing sometime in the night and continues at this point. i'm off today. garden club meets this afternoon so it won't be an all-day-at-home-day and i'll need to use the shovel at some time. i finished the last 'book of evidence' for the garden club award categories over the weekend so i'll show those at our meeting and get them in the mail to the appropriate chairs for judging. the guidelines were followed but never having seen, let alone done one, it's hard to know if i got it right. guess we'll find out. planning for a nice supper. some computer time. i have a birthday card to finish. friday will find me on the road to visit family in iowa so there are things i'll need to have caught up on this end e.g. laundry and groceries for tim, as well as prearations for the trip - gas money, packing etc so those details are on my list for today....and i have a book calling my name. i'm trying to ignore it because the whole day could get away from me if i answer the call......

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