This is essentially my last week of classes for this semester! (!) I have registered for just three this summer - there are so many nice days ahead and I want a bit more flexibility to enjoy them. It has been an interesting experience. We were'nt too far in to the semester when I realized that I miss being able to read people. A change in tone or expression, a pause or gesture can add so much to communication. I miss that. Online classes have given me opportunities I wouldn't otherwise have, but there are drawbacks. So this week there are a couple chapters, and their quzzies, waiting for me in ethics.(one more paper to write, as well) A test in econ. A long writing assignment in English and a shortish one for Library, although that one involves an interview...Yikes! It looks worse on paper! Plenty to keep me busy.
I plan to ride my bike to work today. Since we put the baskets on a couple weeks ago it has been cold (I miss my flannel sheets), raining or blowing so hard a person can barely stand, let alone pedal uphill. So today will be the maiden voyage for the season.
We were busy with dandelions and other outdoor projects this weekend. Tim planted seven bushes along the north side of the house ( remember,we lost trees to the paving project), crafted a new door for the shed. Old, but serviceable, the shed lost a door in a recent wind storm. We did look at replacing the whole thing but felt we had better ways to spend that thousand for a couple bucks and a few hours the door has been replaced.
The other project claiming our time lately has been a general shape-up for both Tim and I in preparation for a canoe trip into the Boundary Waters Wilderness Area, yes I said wilderness area, with the Kahls over Memorial Day weekend. James and Naphtali have been doing this for years. .

Traditionally I have gone up to watch Aidan while they were away. This year they've decided he is big enough to join them and when Tim signed on I was very supportive, thinking what a great time they'll all have, while formulating plans in my head for a long, free, weekend. They're taking me along, too. And Naphtali wants Charlie to experience the great outdoors with us. I'll spare you the details of our new regime but will end with this picture of Charlie breaking in his new pack
looking forward to it. are you hiking with 50 lb packs on your back? :) I am probably going to be home with a sick kid tomorrow so I will finish up our reservations.
I had to read this twice to make sure I read what I thought I read. How exciting! What a fabulous challenge! Do post your shape up techniques so we share the entire experience. Equipment, clothes, protection from sun, bugs, relief for aching muscles...the list goes on and on.
Right now it's a pretty short list - the alarm clock and a new pair of Rykas (my favorite sneaker) have started the ball rolling. I'll try to fill in some details along the way. Glad to know you're home...
thats pretty cool....I went on a 20 mile hike yesterday with a full pack, and I even met a friendly goat!
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