if you are an expert, acting in the roll of an authority on something, please,
please commit to an opinion!! it does me
no good to read an article on 'the best time of day to exercise' (substitute the issue of your choice)if you never say what that best time is!! i understand there are probably liability issues involved in giving firm advice, but there must be a way to address a question without shillyshallying through an article rephrasing the question half a dozen times, giving equal print to alllllll the viewpoints before wrapping up with the affirmation that, yes, there is a best time, it will vary for individuals as well as individual circumstances and we all have to find it for ourselves. merci beaucoup!!
i apologize but there is no elegant segue.......
we enjoyed our family gatherings this past weekend. good conversation, good food, good grief! -24 degrees new years morning!! not wee-hours-of-the-morning -24 but around 8:30/9:00 -24!! the jordison clan enjoyed a new venue this year (thanks again to leslie for making it happen) making the old traditions that much easier on all of us.

tim garnered birthday wishes all around and scored a german chocolate cake, complete with candle, to complete the festivities.
he and james went to see avatar while my mother's scrabble board got a workout.

aidan should probably have a seperate post but in the interest of time i'll squeeze him in here, reminding readers that he is the most delightful little guy!!
now it's back to work, back to my own bed and routines, back to emails and phone calls instead of face-to-face conversations. we're already scheduled for the cities in april, for aidan's birthday and i've started turning a few calendar pages wondering when i can squeeze another trip east into the plans.....