nothing - or very little - grows under the large linden tree along the driveway. there isn't enough sunlight or moisture too support even growth. too many tree roots. hard to mow, generally covered by one of the many things that fall from the tree. i've tried a variety of ground covers and nothing has taken. this spring i moved some lily of the valley and hope to see them come up again next spring. so this season for what ever reason i had grass - long, lush, green grass in just the corners. its been on my list all summer to give some attention to my bete noir. friday was a free day and perfect for outside work. it wasn't until i was well into the job that i realized i'd forgotten to take my 'before' pictures....not a problem. i would get pictures of the other side. and of course i began that part early saturday morning and photo ops never crossed my mind. so you're left with a glimpse of the finished project.

i've carved out the two corners, tried to trace around the lily of the valley with some loose rock and added a few stepping stones that i made this summer. i've added blue glass pieces from time to time figuring that if nothing would grow i'd still have some color under the tree.

each corner has a 'bowl' for hens and chicks which should eventually spread the whole corner. one of my large rhubard leaves has found a place under the tree and i'll have to add some more rock to the scattered trail. you don't know how i'm counting on the lily if the valley to take hold under there....
i had 2 delightful days to work outside. today is one of those humid days that make you fear your envelopes will seal themselves...
1 comment:
Love to see those French titles...I fooled around with my keyboard to see if I could get the mark to print over the "e" but no luck. I like the rhubarb dish in the ground.
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