i'll try to cover a big chunk of time with this entry. we've seen our first hummingbird. a sight that never grows old. they like the honeysuckle.
this is tim's last week of class. he will be done. his last assignment is due at midnight tonight. but he has an extension (sunday) due to a crazy week at work. we spent the weekend writing, proofreading etc. early in the process he said "i just want to turn in a paper. i'll take a 'c' and walk away." (i wondered how long that attitude would last.) he was almost done when we called it a night saturday. sunday morning found him at the computer saying "i had to start all over. it kept going a different direction...." (what happened to the fast and easy 'c'??) anyway the paper is good and would have been finished on time if not for the difficult family on memory support, nebraska health care assoc. meetings wednesday and thursday in north platte and tomorrow in lincoln. (he's president of this district)
i'm leaving for fort dodge in the morning. it sounds like lunch at the orchard on saturday. i have a load of laundry to fold and dishes to wash when i get off the computer.

i had farmers market today and debuted my 'fall line' to favorable reviews.

i'd had several comments to the effect that they don't have outdoor space for the bigger pieces but would i be able to do some smaller fall colored leaves?? so i did.

the small ones are actually more work (though easier to handle) and lack the drama of the large leaves. but they sell.

this week we celeb - marked - our 32nd anniversary. we'll do the actual celebrating next week. we'll both be home. the classwork will be done. a real celebration.
and that, i think, captures the main points of the last week. the normal routines of work and home were accomplished along with the extras. we stayed up late a couple nights (against our better judgement) to watch olympic coverage. i've been impressed to find tim at the computer every morning around 4:30/ 5:00. i'll rephrase. when my morning starts around 6/6:30 it has been a source of wonder that tim would have already been busy with his class work for over an hour. which has been his routine through the whole process. makes me tired just thinking about it.
hope you all enjoy your weekend.