We are back from the east coast - maritime New England or midatlantic. It was great. Thanks to Jacob and Kate for putting us up, putting up with us, and showing us a great time!
This sign made me laugh - and we saw them everywhere!
Made our way to the subway station and headed for the harbor. The rain let up long enough to enjoy the sight of the Statue of Liberty and a quick visit to Ellis Island.
On our return we ducked into a museum for some warmth and culture. It was the Smithsonian's exhibit of American Indians and included a section on MesoAmerica which we had just studied in my WldCiv class!
Friday we headed to Rhode Isalnd to satisfy our ocean cravings and ended up at Charleston Beach where we saw the ocean wild and tall and green and booming. It was majestic and awesome. There was a storm brewing in the Atlantic and this was the result. Stopped at Mystic on the way back and browsed in a favorite shop. (funny to think we've done this often enough to have a favorite shop)
We also visited Waterford beach which is a couple minutes from Jacob and Kate, right there in New London. We walked and clambered over rocks, speculated about an amazing piece of driftwood, and picked up a few rocks and shells to add to my collection.
We stopped there again on Saturday before we left and I found this:
I love flying. I can't tell you how much I enjoy the sights through those tiny airplane windows. (Tim graciously allowed me the window seat on all our flights.) Providence is just a delight. The colors, the wooded areas, the estates, the islands and bays, the boats, the backyard swimming pools in all the different neighborhoods - I love it! This time I saw snow east of Chicago, and it was my first time to fly at night. The nighttime lights of Chicago were magical. I wish I knew what route we actually took - I'd love to be able to identify the cities we passed over. Their lights were entrancing.
So good to see your post this morning. Your prose made me feel as if I were there. Thanks!
PS: You may be the only person I have ever heard extolling the virtues of flying
We've never had a bad/scary flight which may make a difference. We did have a couple crying kids this last round but, honestly, I can gaze out the window and shut it all out. The airports provide a great opportunity to people watch. The security hassles hold no appeal but have never given me any trouble so while they are inconvenient they are not reason enough to drive. Prices are high, but one of our flights had only 30 passengers - how can they afford to put that bird in the sky?! Virtues? That's a stretch.
It is the details visible in approaches and takeoffs that I love! To see the corduroy patchwork of farm fields, houses crammed together like so many monopoly pieces, it just doesn't get old...
You must have had an incredible time! The shell you found is beautiful.
I'm with you on looooving flying! I get a little anxious on take-off, but still love it. When I flew to Ireland, I could see the Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero and a few of the big things...which was so exciting. :) But, I long to go back!
Feel like flying to Hawaii? Phil and kate will be getting married next year, date has not been set yet, will let you know. Glad you had a good time with the kids. the realization is anytme with children is a good time no matter what. We don't let the weather dampen our spirits(no pun intended, okay, yes there was)when that opportunity happens.
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