we actually had a good weekend with several privately amusing incidents that in another universe would be blog material. (aidan should collect royalties on the family use of actually). tim fixed a delicious shrimp and pasta dish for supper. dishes were done. tim was watching tv, i'm busy with a project back in my workroom and i hear this quiet "ilona, ilona, you have to come out here." this is what i found:

after a few minutes charlie came over and sat at my feet but he watched that movie for close to an hour.

so there you have it. thank you for your tolerant attention.
so is charlie going to come watch TV at our house this weekend?
only if you're showing air bud....
he did go for a grooming today -manipedi, bath, trim,so that should make you happy
that is too classic it should be home most funniest video....how cute......andrea
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