tim and i are fatherless - no grandpas either. these men are missed.
we had, and enjoyed, phone calls from both naphtali and jacob. charlie and i took tim for a walk this morning. he did school work, he's really enjoying this - his last - class,though it does require more time. it's challenging, sparking an interesting exchange of ideas and 'conversation' with fellow students and his prof. (charlie and i whisper 'teacher's pet' behind his back) he also grilled. steak (mine melted), chicken, burgers, shrimp. we'll have a selection of meat ready for supper all week - just throw together a salad mmmmm.
i took advantage of a very windy day (no mosquitos) to dig some sod. i've been kicking around the idea of a new flower bed in a spot that has been awkward to mow and the wind today cinched the deal for me. i have the sod dug, most of it hauled away, some of it redistributed in the yard, and the last bit turned to dry and wait for me to finish either tomorrow or tuesday. i'll need to spray and use landscape fabric which will create a horseshoe shaped path sandwiched between the the beds. this is the beginning phase. the grass in the middle is gone.

the roses have been prolific bloomers this year.

and here's a quick look in the bathroom door. i found the shelf at the goodwill. $10 took it home. a fresh coat of paint....

i had several garden club functions this week. we weeded, pruned, and planted a downtown corner on wednesday. thursday was the district meeting in kearney. i took three of my concrete rhubarb leaves along for the auction. they were the high-bid items for the day. a long day. i left at 7:15 and didn't get home until after 6. and saturday we took a garden tour in a little town about a 1/2 hour south-ish from here. we saw 6 different gardens. some practical, some whimsical, all intersting. and the columbines - wow!! our reaction was that odd combination of inspiring and depressing. lots of work at all of them. big bucks for some of them. they'd had hail and flooding in the area during the last few weeks so it was a special effort for some of these people to get everything cleaned up and functional let alone ready for the event. all in all - a fun day.