26 April, 2009

fait accompli

the 2009 75th anniversary - fgcn state meeting and flower show has ended.
as a group we did rather well. all our entries won an award.
here is elnora building one of her designs and the finished project.

elnora is 80 something and loves to make designs. she won 4 awards.
thursday was spent setting tables, entering exhibits and, for many, building their designs. friday was committee meetings, judging (for which i clerked - quite a learning experience) and the flower show itself. saturday was the general business meeting, auction and awards banquet. the garden club's national president was our guest friday evening and saturday.

the amount of 'haulage' is staggering.

your humble correspondent received 2nd place for this entry.
i obviously need to work on my camera angles....
(i'm not even done posting and i have a comment!!) i bought a few plants at our auction - one woman brought, among other plants, about 60 of the healthiest, most beautiful salmon colored geraniums i've ever seen - and took 2 more home as door prizes. (this past week we've had some heat and some rain and my flower beds are erupting with both wanted and unwanted growth. i'm off on tuesday, the forecast says low 60s and i'm anxious to get out there and get something done.)
i got home around 10 last night and while browsing channels in an effort to relax before bed i found kenneth branagh's henry v so it was actually this morning when i got to bed last night. i find it impossible to pass up kenneth branagh's shakespeare. a couple weeks ago it was hamlet (his is the best i've seen)and i was up....
tim had to work today so it has been minimal laundry and maximum vegging for charlie and me today.


On Second Street said...

congratulations mom. oh- and i htink you should join facebook. Mary and Leslie are both on. Or as Mary said, "all the good relatives."

ilona said...

thank you.
and i don't even know how to get there....